This kit is for those who are on a budget but won’t let that keep them from a good party. Not to be confused with fairy lights, these guys are the more affordable version of our commercial festoon lights. They can be perfect outdoor lights for stone walls.
Even if they can’t quite take as much of a beating as their bigger cousins, it would be a disservice to call them cheap. This equipment is still great for temporary outdoor use (IP44 Rated) and is excellent for residential usage thanks to the low voltage transformer plug and shatterproof globes.
The male & female ends allow you to connect up to 5 of these festoon party light strings together to create one 50 metre long length. In addition, this kit comes with everything you need to set up your lighting: A 5m extension cord, 20 globes per belt, a Safe Extra Low Voltage transformer, and more (did we mention the attached hanging hooks for almost shamefully easy installation?).
The lights are an integral part of the cable and can’t be replaced if broken, but you can secure them when you order now and take advantage of our 2-year warranty.